Half Term - Wareham, Dorset
Thanks to Bruce, Liz (who will now forever be known as "Briz"), Emily and Angus "McWatt" for putting up with us for a few days during an otherwise dull February half-term. There is something so "Enid Blyton" about magical Dorset and we always have such a good time here! Thanks guys and look forward to seeing you again in the summer...
Wareham Thursday market: the "iPod generation" was absolutely intrigued by this gramophone at an antiques' stall.
The River Frome, running through Wareham village. Angus was the first to throw off his shoes and head down to the chilly water. Here he is cajoling the less brave to join him...
Anna sporting the pink fur aliceband given to her by Emily (aged 8 and Anna's new hero).
Studland National Trust Beach.
Checking out the campervans: Ben really really really wants to buy one!
Philip and Bruce in the garden when the sun came out to play.
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